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What is a Martial Artist?

I'm sure we've all seen Karate Kid, watching Mr Miyagi teach an Italian student ancient Japanese secrets. I'm sure we've all seen an MMA fight, watching modern-day champions slug it out in an octagon to prove who's the toughest. And let's not forget the picture of Zen, drinking tea in China while you ward off a group of attackers with a whitty philosophical quote. But what does it really mean to be a martial artist?

On my path, I've come across many definitions of what it means to be a martial artist, and all of the above have been mentioned. I was even told that no one is considered a martial artist until they've become a 3rd degree black belt! Talk about high expectations! What I've come to find out is that what really makes a martial artist is one who wants to use martial arts to make their lives better.

It doesn't matter how many tournaments you win or how many pushups you can do or how many bad guys you can thwart. What really makes a martial artist is a feeling that you belong and the dedication to do something about it.

Whether you're a day 1 student, a black belt, or someone who goes in to class whenever you have enough cash for a month's tuition, the definition of a martial artist is an internal thing. So long as you see yourself as a martial artist and make actions to prove it to yourself, that is the only thing required to claim that title.

Many students of mine have asked that question, wondering if they can make a claim after they've hit rank 2 or defeated me in a sparring match. I believe even asking that question sincerely makes you a martial artist, whether you're a grand master or a confused noob.

The decision is yours. Whether you are or you're not, feel it out for yourself. That's the true answer.

I dunno, these are just my wandering thoughts.

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