Warrior Path
Martial Arts

Heiwa Na Kaimetsu

Kye Brown has been training in the martial arts since 2000. Focusing primarily on Japanese styles to include Ninjutsu and Aikido, he expanded his training in other styles to find the best martial art style to fit almost any situation.
He began teaching at Taking Control, a counseling center that wanted to have a physical means to gain internal health. HNK was the perfect fit, as students learned to express and direct their feelings, build discipline and control, practice great and effective techniques, and have a lot of fun along the way!
Growing further in both training AND teaching, Kye worked for the company Pro Martial Arts teaching Tang Su Do and Tae Kwon Do, where he was the Chief Instructor for kickboxing, and the Assistant Instructor for all youth classes. Focusing more on young students, the importance of self-image, home and school environment, and moral development became just as big a focus as the techniques.
In 2016 he created the youth curriculum for the Warrior Life Center in south Tacoma, and works consistently to develop himself and all the students he encounters.
Black Belt in Heiwa Na Kaimetsu
Black Belt in Hokusei Jujutsu
Martial Arts Experience in: Ninjutsu, Aikido, CQC, Krav Maga, Tae Kwon Do, Capoeira, Defensive Concepts, Ho Kuk Mu Sool

Alliance Schools